Add Me To Search: A Step-by-Step Guide to Add Yourself To Google Search 2024

Add me to Search

“Add Me to Search” is common for us to use Google to look up famous people and public figures. Typically, search results show a brief description of the person’s interests, social media profiles, and public records.

Look no further than the Google People Card (formerly “Add Me to Search”).

The “Add me to Search” option on Google has made this possible for us. This function makes it easy to advertise your business or personal profile in search results. We’ll review every aspect of using the Add Me to Google tool to create a virtual Google Search card in this blog.

Google Search has a feature called “Add me to Search” or “Add me to Google Search” that allows people to create a personal profile that is visible to anyone who searches their name. The profile includes the person’s name, profile photo, job title, location, and links to their website, blog, or other online profile. To use this feature, one must have an active Google account, which can be a Gmail address or a G Suite account.

To be eligible for a Google People Card, a person’s profile must include their full name, a recent profile picture, job title, location, links to their online presence, and a summary of their skills and qualifications. This feature aims to facilitate relationships between people by providing easy access to relevant information about individuals. The individual is responsible for managing and keeping their Google People Card updated to ensure that the information displayed is accurate and current.

What is Google Add Me To Search Feature?

Add Me To Search is a feature within Google that allows individuals to create a personal profile that appears when someone searches for their name. This profile includes information such as their full name, a recent profile picture, job title, location, and links to their website, blog, or other online profiles. The profile must be associated with an active Google account, either through an email address or an Google account.

To be eligible, the profile must include the individual’s full name, a recent profile picture, job title, location, links to their online presence, and a summary of their skills and qualifications. The purpose of the Google People Card is to provide users with easy access to relevant information about individuals, making it easier for people to connect. The Goole People Card is managed and updated by the individual, ensuring that the information provided is accurate and up-to-date.

What Benefits of Add Me to Search in Google?

Here are several benefits to using “Add Me to Search” on Google, which creates a Google People Card:

1. Increased Visibility:

When someone searches for your name, your Google People Card shows up prominently in the results. This can be especially helpful for freelancers, entrepreneurs, or anyone who wants to establish themselves online.

2. Professional Presence:

Your Google People Card acts like a digital business card, showcasing your skills, qualifications, and experience. This can make a positive first impression on potential employers, clients, or collaborators.

3. Control Your Online Narrative:

With a Google People Card, you control the information that appears about you in search results. This ensures people see the most accurate and up-to-date information about your professional background.

4. Improved Networking:

Your People Card includes links to your website, social media profiles, or portfolio. This makes it easier for people to find and connect with you online, fostering new professional relationships.

5. Better Search Results:

By including accurate information in your People Card, you can improve the quality of search results for your name. This ensures people find relevant information about you, not outdated or misleading results.

Additional Benefits of Add Me to Search Features:

6. Stand Out From The Crowd:

A Google People Card helps you differentiate yourself from others with the same name.

7. Credibility Boost:

Having a well-crafted People Card can add credibility to your online presence.

8. Potential for Google Certification:

Some believe Google certifications might be more easily obtainable with a complete People Card (though this isn’t officially confirmed).

Overall, “Add Me to Search” is a valuable tool for anyone who wants to manage their online identity and build a strong professional presence. It’s a free, easy-to-use way to increase your visibility, connect with others, and ultimately achieve your online goals.

Things To Know Before Creating Your Own Google People Card?

Here are some important things to consider before creating your own Google People Card:

Eligibility and Requirements:

  • Google Account: You’ll need an active Google account, either a Gmail address or a G Suite account, to create a People Card.
  • Profile Information: Ensure you have all the necessary information prepared, including your full name, a clear profile picture, your job title or profession, your location (city/town and country), and links to your online presences (website, blog, social media profiles).
  • Availability: Currently, Google People Cards are not available in all countries. Check if the feature is live in your region before creating your profile.

Privacy and Security:

  • Public Information: The information you include in your People Card will be publicly visible to anyone who searches for your name on Google. Consider the level of privacy you’re comfortable with when adding details.
  • Professional Tone: Maintain a professional tone and avoid including sensitive information, offensive language, or inappropriate photos.
  • Data Ownership: Remember that Google owns the platform and can modify the way People Cards function in the future.

Account Management:

  • Verification: Be prepared to verify your identity through Google’s verification process, which might involve receiving a postcard or verification via Google Search.
  • Profile Maintenance: It’s your responsibility to keep your People Card updated with accurate and current information as your career or interests evolve.

Additional Considerations:

  • Long-Term Impact: Creating a Google People Card is a semi-permanent step. Think about the long-term implications of having this information publicly available online.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): While not a primary function, consider including relevant keywords in your profile description to potentially improve search visibility. However, prioritize accuracy and professionalism over keyword stuffing.

By understanding these points, you can make an informed decision about creating a Google People Card and ensure it reflects your professional identity in the best possible light.

How To Create Add Me To Google Search Card? Step-by-Step Guide

How to add me to Google Search is a question someone may think of. These are the correct steps that you can follow:

Step 1: Search “Add Me To Search” Or “Add Me To Google” By Typing The Right Keywords

Add Me To Google

Active Google Account: You’ll need an active Google account, either a Gmail address or a G Suite account.

Before anything else, set your language to English and Hindi. Enter the search query “Add me to Search or Add me to Google,” and select the first option you see to create your People Card. Another way is to go to Google and open the Google Search app; Type “Add me to Google Edit People card”. And click on Get Started.

Step 2: Enter The Correct Information In The Google Search Card

Google Search Card

Most of the information can be entered manually. However, the only two exceptions are emails and phone numbers that Google automatically pulls from your account. Therefore, you can change your email and phone number on the card only if you change it with your Google Account.

Gather Your Details: Prepare the following information:

  • Full Name
  • Professional Profile Picture (Clear and well-lit headshot)
  • Job Title/Profession
  • Location (City/Town and Country)
  • Online Presence Links (Website, Blog, Social Media Profiles)

Step 3: Preview and Publish The Card:

Preview and Publish The Card

Review Your Masterpiece: Once you’ve entered all the information, carefully preview your People Card. Ensure everything looks accurate and reflects your desired online persona.

Go Public: When you’re happy with your card’s appearance, click “Publish” or a similar button to make it live on Google Search.

Congratulations! Your Google People Card is now visible when people search for your name on Google.

What you need to create a Google People Card

Active Google Account:

You’ll need a valid Google account, either a Gmail address or a G Suite account, to create and manage your People Card.

Prepare some key details in advance:

  • Full Name: Ensure your full legal name is accurate.
  • Profile Picture: Choose a clear, professional headshot that represents you well.
  • Location: Include your city/town and country to provide context.

Optional, But Helpful:

  • Job Title/Profession: Briefly describe your current occupation or area of expertise.
  • Links to Online Presences: Include links to your website, portfolio, social media profiles (LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.) to showcase your work and connect with others.
  • Bio (Optional): Craft a short bio (professional or personal) that highlights your skills and interests.

Privacy: The information you include will be publicly visible in search results. Consider the level of privacy you’re comfortable with when adding details.

Verification: Be prepared to verify your identity through Google’s process (receiving a postcard or verification via Google Search).

By having these things ready, you can easily create and manage your Google People Card in no time!

What to do When the Google People Card is Not Working?

If you’re encountering issues with your Google People Card, here are some troubleshooting steps you can try in 2024:

General Troubleshooting:

Check Eligibility: Unfortunately, Google People Cards might not be available in all countries yet. Double-check if the feature is currently offered in your region.

Account Verification: Ensure you’ve completed Google’s verification process for your People Card. This might involve receiving a postcard or verification via Google Search.

Web Browser or App: Try using a different web browser or the Google Search app on your mobile device to see if the issue persists. Clear your browsing cache and cookies before trying again.

Google Account: Make sure you’re signed in to the correct Google account associated with your desired People Card.

Technical Glitches: Sometimes, temporary technical issues can occur. Wait a few hours or try again the next day to see if the problem resolves itself.

Troubleshooting Specific Issues:

  • Can’t Find “Add Me to Search” Option:
  • Search for “Google People Card” directly instead.
  • The feature might not be rolled out to your specific account yet.

Issues Filling Out Information:

  • Ensure you have a stable internet connection.
  • Check for any error messages on the screen and address them accordingly.
  • Try using a different device or browser to see if the problem persists.

Card Not Appearing in Search Results:

  • Allow some time (usually 24-48 hours) for Google to process and index your People Card after publishing.
  • Double-check that your profile is set to public and all information is filled out correctly.
  • Search for your name using a private browsing window to rule out any personalized search results.

Still Having Issues in Google People Card?:

If you’ve tried these steps and your Google People Card is still not working, you can try contacting Google Support directly. They might be able to offer further assistance based on your specific situation.

  • Google People Card Help Forum: Search online forums for discussions or solutions related to Google People Card issues.
  • Google Support: You can try contacting Google Support directly through their website ( for further assistance.
  • Remember, patience is key.  Sometimes technical glitches can occur.  By following these steps and remaining persistent, you should be able to resolve most Google People Card issues and create your online profile in 2024.

How To Edit The Google People Card?

How To Edit The Google People Card?

Created your Google People Card but need to make some changes? No worries! Updating your profile is easy and ensures your online presence reflects your current situation. Here’s how to edit your Google People Card in 2024:

Step. 1 – Active Google Account: You’ll need the same Google account you used to create your People Card to access editing options.

Editing Your Card:

  • Head to Google Search: Open your preferred web browser and navigate to Google Search (
  • Search for Your Card: In the search bar, type in your name.  Your Google People Card should appear in the search results.
  • Locate the Edit Option:  Look for an “Edit” button or similar option associated with your People Card. It might be located directly on your card or within a menu.
  • Make Your Changes:  Once you’ve accessed the editing options, you can modify various aspects of your profile:

Step. 2 – Basic Information: Update your name, location, or bio if needed.

  • Occupation: Reflect any changes in your job title or profession.
  • Links: Add new links to your website, portfolio, or social media profiles, or remove outdated ones.
  • Optional Fields: Edit your contact information (phone or email) or educational background (use caution with contact details for privacy reasons) if necessary.
  • Preview and Save: Once you’ve made your changes, review your People Card carefully using the preview function. Ensure everything looks accurate and as intended.

Step. 3 – Save Your Updates: When you’re satisfied with the edits, click “Save” or a similar button to update your Google People Card publicly.

How to Remove Email And Phone Numbers from Google People Card?

To remove the email and phone number from your Google People card, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to Google search page and search your name. Your People Card should appear in the search results.
  • Click the “Edit” button below your People Card.
  • Click the pencil icon next to the contact information you want to delete.
  • Delete the information you want to remove and click “Save.”
  • Review the rest of your People Card to make sure all information is accurate and up to date.
  • Once you have made all the necessary changes, click “Publish” to save your updated People Card.

It’s important to note that your Google People card is public and visible to anyone who searches your name. Therefore, it is important to only include information that you are comfortable sharing with the public.

How to Delete Google People Card?

Delete your Google People card, follow these steps:

  • Go to or open the Google Search app.
  • Sign in to your Google Account.
  • Find “Edit my people card”.
  • To remove your card and its content from search results, click “Remove my search card from Google.”
  • Deleting your Google People card will remove it from search results and make it inaccessible to others. If you decide to create a new Google People card in the future, you’ll have to start from scratch.

How To Make Your Google People Card More Effective?

Google People Cards makes it easier for people to find and connect with you online. To make your Google People Card more effective it is important to include all the relevant information like your email, phone number, website and social media links. Keeping your card updated with accurate information will help you establish and maintain relationships with others.


Finally, adding me to Google Search through a Google People card can be a beneficial step toward establishing a professional online presence. By creating a Google People Card and including information such as your name, profile picture, job title, location, links to your online profile, and a summary of your skills and qualifications, you can increase your visibility and make it easier for people to find you when they search your name.

In today’s digital world, crafting a strong online presence is essential. With a well-optimized Google People Card, you can take control of how you appear in search results, showcase your expertise, and connect with valuable contacts. By following the steps and strategies outlined in this guide, you can create a compelling Google People Card that effectively represents your brand and helps you achieve your professional goals in 2024. Remember, it’s an ongoing process, so keep your card updated and adapt it as your career evolves. With a little effort, you can leverage the power of Google People Cards to make a lasting impression online.

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